‘I want to protect my child against bullying.’

Every parent fears their child being bullied.  Mostly the fear stems from feeling vulnerable as if there’s nothing you can do to stop it.  The good news is there is plenty you can do to help your child protect themselves from being bullied and this is where you can begin to do exactly that.  No doubt you’ll find you’re already doing a lot without realising it.  The work we do together is all about enhancing and building upon what you already have in place.

It’s extremely common for parents who were bullied themselves to have an overwhelming fear of their child being bullied.  If this is you know that you are not alone and you do not need to continue feeling this way.

(If your child is being bullied take a look at My Child Is Being Bullied.)

Firstly, join us in our free Facebook community – The Mums Hub.  We are there to support one another in keeping our families safe and happy. Having adequate support yourself is vital when trying to support your kids.

Secondly, take a look at the free download below.  Enter your details and it will be sent straight to you.  It’s handy for you to refer back to.  This video is brief and straight to the point.  It covers how you and your child can recognise bullying so you can act quickly to make it stop.  Having this knowledge will help you to feel more prepared and far less anxious.

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Recognise your child is being bullied.

Worried you wouldn't recognise if your child was being bullied or are you unsure of what behaviour counts as bullying?

This short video will take you through:

~ Indicators that your child is being bullied,

~ The 4 forms of bullying,

~ Behaviours that will help your recognise bullying so you can nip it in the bud.

Lastly, you’ll find all the relevant blogs from this website below.  Take a flick through and get some quick answers.

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Work With Me

I am here to hold your hand every step of the way.  Whether you worry your child will be bullied in the future, they are being bullied, or they were bullied in the past and need support with their recovery, there’s something here for everyone.

Bea  t  theBullies

The step-by-step online masterclass for when your child is being bullied.

Bully-Proo f Method

Worried your child will be bullied?  The Bully-Proof Method is the online course for parents to pick and choose what their family needs most or take it all at a discounted price.  It also includes a Facebook support group.

1:1 Mentoring

Support tailor made for you and your family.

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